BoneBits Prototype

Blockchain Data Management as a Service (BDMaaS)

German patent pending DBP 10 2019 104 092.2
International patent pending PCT / EP2020 / 052477

Read the documentation

Generate one or more private-public key pairs

To start, create a private-public key pair here
Create a new privat-public key pair with the password and lable it
To sign data, create a signature here
Data to sign:
Private Key Password

Discover the dynamic blockchain with the Blockchain Explorer

Project: File:  

Choose an authorization method and explore

  Use without authorization (good choice for just looking an open blockchain)
or With Private Key and Password (good choice for just one time testing)
    Private Key Password
or Get a 3600 second session with Public-Key and Signature. (best choice in production systems or for multiple ongoing tasks)
    Plain text parameters for checking the session data:
    this data and create a 'signature.dat'. If done, explore with public key and signature.
    Public Key Signature

Test your own tasks with the dynamic blockchain editor

Dynamic Blockchain


Dynamic Node API


Network Monitor


Interaktive Button Description

Validates the execution of all delete jobs of a project.
Validates the authenticity and the integrity of a whole blockchain.
Downloads a blockchain file as JSON.
Validates the authenticity and the integrity of a block.
Indicates that a signature can only be vadidated by the creator.
Decodes base64 encoded data to view it as plain text.
Decrypts encrypted data to view it as plain text.
Shows another chain, an order or a data block that can be deleted.
Searches for a term in the order book
Searches for a term in the blockchain data
Indicates that a search term was found in an deletable data block.
Indicates that a data block can be edited.
Indicates that a data block that has already been deleted can be rewritten.
Indicates that a data block can be deleted.
Downloads an uploaded file.
Unlocks a pausing blockchain for ongoing processing.
Navigates to the network monitor of the project.